2024 Banquet$30.00PriceCost is per person and includes dinner and your first 2 drinks with a cash bar as well.Cocktail hour starting at 5pmDinner starting at 6pmLa Pizzaria Room B 3656 Dressler Rd NW, Canton, OH 44718Your name and/or the name of the person you're purchasing for (optional)500QuantityAdd to CartBuy Now
2024 Banquet$30.00PriceCost is per person and includes dinner and your first 2 drinks with a cash bar as well.Cocktail hour starting at 5pmDinner starting at 6pmLa Pizzaria Room B 3656 Dressler Rd NW, Canton, OH 44718Your name and/or the name of the person you're purchasing for (optional)500QuantityAdd to CartBuy Now