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As a Canton Rugby dues paying member, not only are you provided food and beverages at the after match social for all home games, you get to help shape the future of the club with the eligability to attend important club meetings, cast a vote on major club decisions, and even run for leadership role on the Executive Committee or Board. 

Anyone is welcome to become a member - but we'd say the role is best suited for those who have an interest in the future of the club. Whether you want to ensure our youth programs continue to grow, or that the history of the men's club remains intact, or that our goals to purchase some land and build a rugby pitch of our own come to light....we want you as a member. We appreciate the variety of ages, skill sets, and backgrounds within our membership,  as everyone has something to offer when it comes to the direction of our club. 


2024 Spring Membership dues will be

- Men's Players: $60

- Women's Player: $50 

- Social Dues Only (Men's or Women's): $50


You may pay prior to each season, or pay in full for the year. The right to vote in our Annual General Meeting and/or run for a leadership position is automatically granted once dues have been paid 


Won't you join us in helping to shape the future of Rugby in the Stark/Tusc Area? Click Here to pay dues!

Canton Maddogs 10-2-2021 (1730).JPG
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